Happy Hank Media is a passionate digital marketing agency dedicated to helping businesses stand out from the crowd.

Our mission is simple, to provide consistency in your marketing efforts and ensure you content is not boring! 

We understand that the digital landscape can be time consuming, and you’re busy, that’s why we’re here to help! Providing a range of services to keep your business ahead of the game, and thriving online.


I’m Amy, a certified digital marketing professional. My passion lies in creating visually compelling content that helps brands stand out in a competitive digital landscape.

My dedication and commitment to innovation, paired with my progressive digital marketing techniques ensures my clients get great results they are happy with.

When I’m not working, I’m actively enjoying the outdoors, clocking up km’s on my mountain bike.

Let’s discuss how Happy Hank Media can help your brand look amazing, show up consistently, and thrive digitally!

Digital Marketing Strategist Amy McKenzie